Want to Set up Your Own Virtual Assistant Business?

Great! Because my DIY VA course provides step-by-step Virtual Assistant training for women who want a career AND a life.

I show you how to set up and run a bulletproof VA business and support you through the entire process to help you avoid all the mistakes I made when I first started out.

The course has created nearly 2000 VAs, many of whom now run agencies, and will take you from admin whizz to VA superstar quickly and painlessly... it's also loads of fun!

Have more time for your family, work with clients you choose (who appreciate your efforts and pay you well), and create the flexible working life you’ve always wanted.

This is your chance to stop slogging through a life half-lived and start designing the life you deserve.

If you’re sick of being stuck in a thankless 9-5 grind with no time left for yourself or your family, this course was made for you.

Because it’s not just about setting up any old business; it’s about creating a business that works for you.

No BS. No gimmicks. Just practical advice, tools and support you need to build a career that fits your life, not the other way around.

  • No-BS, practical guide to setting up your VA business from scratch, with everything broken down into simple, actionable steps.
  • Learn at your own pace so you can fit it in around your current chaos.
  • Up-to-date strategies that actually work in today’s world (no outdated advice here).
  • Confidence to charge what you’re worth and attract the clients you want.
  • support throughout the entire set-up process and beyond.

These VAs were sick of corporate bullsh*t so they decided to call the shots instead.

“The office politics and fake small talk at the coffee machine from people who would slag you off behind your back. I also hated the presenteeism and constant fighting to be appreciated. Now I’m self-employed, I’m speaking to people all the time who actively want to work with me and getting more validation than I ever had from 15+ years of climbing the corporate ladder.”

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“I've worked for myself since 1995. It's the only time I've been happy in my work life. When I've worked as an employee of a business or organisation, I've found it draining and thankless.”

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“When I had our child, we didn't have any childcare. I knew juggling work and childcare would be tricky, but I wanted to still do something I loved. So, I looked at ideas, and Virtual Assistant kept appearing. Looked into it, and it seemed perfect.”

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“The best thing about being a VA is I am in control of my own destiny for once and following my own dream instead of helping to build someone else’s. I fit my hours in around my four kids, which has been a godsend as we are such a busy family. It’s hard at times but so worth it!”

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"I have three little ones aged 1, 5 & 6. I have help from my parents, nursery and a husband who can flex work sometimes but being a VA gives me total flexibility. It's a constant juggling act, but one I have control over.”

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“I got fed up working for people who didn't appreciate me and belittled me. I put up with it for 10 years, and it didn't really do my mental health any good. So I decided to go out on my own, and so far, I'm really happy I did. I feel like I have more control over my schedule and who I work with. My background is working as a PA and in events, so a VA was the obvious choice!”

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“For me, it was when I told a superior I needed to leave early from a teambuilding event to pick my kids up from school, and he responded with, “This is the priority”. I left, picked up my kids, and wrote a notice of resignation. Nobody will ever tell me what my priorities are again.”

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“The weakness of the company’s culture and dated management style caused me to become so isolated my mental health deteriorated. This gave me the push to become self-employed. I have gained more confidence, professional enrichment and development in 6 months as a VA than I did in 4.5 years there.”

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“I dictate my own hours, I get paid well for doing what I love, I have flexibility with the kids, I have no office politics and many more reasons. I wouldn’t change being my own boss for anything.”

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Course Outline (the nitty-gritty stuff)

Delivered via a mix of videos and written content, my DIY VA course covers:

Creating a learning schedule

Your schedule as a business owner will be vastly different than when you worked as an employee, so having an effective task and time management system in place will allow you to fit everything in without feeling overwhelmed or losing your mind.

It’s important that you have time to complete the course alongside your work and family commitments, so I start off by guiding you through a series of exercises to help you create your own unique, personalised weekly schedule.

I also provide advice on batching, delegation, and effective time management so you have a shiny new calendar tailored to your exact needs and plenty of time to complete the course.

Deciding what to offer (and to whom)

Next, you get cracking on assessing your career history to pinpoint key industries, skills, and experience to use as a foundation for your services. This involves undertaking two CV analysis exercises: a traditional manual review and another involving clever AI wizardry.

I then show you how to use this information to create your core services, identify businesses and individuals that will go crazy for your services and ascertain whether your target market is viable... and what you should do if it isn't.

Creating your brand

Your brand is a visual representation of your business persona and plays a crucial role in how potential clients perceive you and your business.

Over a series of lessons, you will explore the creative process of selecting a catchy business name, crafting a distinctive logo, and choosing a colour palette that accurately represents your vision.

I also discuss whether a professional website is necessary to attract clients and offer alternatives if you decide against having one.

This is the really fun part of the course!

Money and legal

Many VAs freak out over the many legalities of running a business, so this section is designed to make the financial and legal aspects as straightforward and stress-free as possible.

It covers everything you need, from establishing and presenting your rates, creating an effective pricing structure, and accurately tracking your time to invoicing clients and handling overseas transactions.

You also learn how to set up a business bank account, send contracts, select the correct insurance cover, comply with GDPR and keep the tax man happy.

Finding work

In this extensive section, we explore the essentials of finding satisfying, well-paying work. You learn the core principles of marketing and explore a variety of strategies for attracting clients - even if you're still in employment.

I walk you through crafting an eye-catching LinkedIn profile, identifying and contacting your ideal client, and replicating the ones you already have. We also tackle common marketing blunders and look at ways to use AI to find your perfect client match.

This is the point where you're given complimentary access to my social media marketing course, so you can learn how to stand out and make your mark in this noisy, hectic and highly competitive marketplace.

Running your VA business

Doing VA work is the easy part; it's working with clients that's difficult! This is why I show you how to conduct a flawless discovery call, seamlessly onboard clients, and expertly manage their expectations. You also learn how to spot opportunities to improve your client's business, securing more work for yourself in the process.

To keep your hard-earned VA business strong, profitable and adaptable to your evolving needs, you're shown how to assess and audit your clients, tasks and marketing activities - I even provide a handy audit template for you.

You then finish with an end-of-course checklist so you can feel confident nothing has been missed and you've created a strong, stable business with a solid foundation that reflects your vision of your ideal working life.

Free social media marketing course

Social media is one of the most popular ways to market a business; however, in my experience, it’s the most time-consuming, labour-intensive and least successful. This is because most people aren't "doing it right".

They join every platform and write generic “Hey, hire a VA” posts without a strategy, plan, content calendar or any idea who they’re targeting... which just won’t cut it.

As social media is such a large and nuanced subject, I have an entire course dedicated to using it to get clients - that ALL trainees receive free of charge!

Dedicated trainee-only Facebook group

Trainees receive exclusive access to a trainee-only support group. I consider this community family, and it's where I hold my monthly live Q&A session and answer your questions. There is also a buddy-up scheme and discussions on niches, pricing and marketing.

In addition, trainees are encouraged to post their progress each Friday so I can offer personal advice and feedback. These posts are a great way for you to track your progress and also help me see how you’re getting on.

Over the years, I've noticed trainees who participate in group activities achieve a business owner mindset far sooner than those who don't, which is essential for running a successful and profitable business.


Social Media Marketing Course

Social media marketing is a mahoosive subject - you didn't think I'd leave you to tackle it all by yourself, did you?

Value: £99

12 Example LinkedIn Summaries

This is to help you create a standout profile and ensure you're head and shoulders above the rest.


Guide on How to Get New Clients

This is my most successful method of landing new clients and it works for me nearly every single time I use it.

Value: £25

10 Example Prospect Emails

Once you've found your ideal client, you're going to need some tried and tested ways to contact them.

Value: £10

Disco Call & Client Onboarding Doc

This guide ensures a professional discovery call and a smooth and professional onboarding process.

Value: £20

20% Discount on Legal Contracts

DIY VA course trainees get 20% off all legal contracts and policies even if they only buy one.

Value: £73

Six-Month Business Audit

This is to make sure your hard work doesn't go to waste and your business remains strong and profitable.


Discounts on my Other Courses

Trainees receive exclusive discounts on all of my other courses as well as priority access to new products.


Group Discussions & Events

Recorded Zoom sessions on a variety of subjects from niches and pricing to marketing and finding the perfect client.



I work full-time and have children. Will I have time to complete the course?

The majority of my trainees have children, so the answer is definitely yes. You complete the course alongside your job (so you won't be "risking" anything), and then you make the jump when you have enough clients.

At first, you will run both side by side, but I will provide a customisable calendar exercise to help you fit everything in. I appreciate that life can sometimes get in the way, so your lifetime access means you can take it as long as you want to.

My confidence has taken a hit over the last few years; will the course help with that?

The great thing about the course is that your confidence will grow simply by working through it - just look at the testimonials below if you don't believe me!

Because you have support from me and the rest of the group (which is full of graduates of the course who are now successful business owners), you will make fewer mistakes, increasing your confidence even more.

How is the course delivered?

Most of the course is written content, but there are also smattering videos and exercises. For example, I provide a walk-through screenshare video on how to work out your skill set, and you're also given a workbook to complete along with a skills questionnaire to help you figure out your niches and which services to offer.

Do I receive any direct support from you?

Yes, I hold monthly live group Q&A sessions in your private Facebook group and provide personal advice and feedback via a weekly 'Coffee Morning' post. The other members are incredibly supportive and will also jump in with personal advice.

The group even has a monthly 'buddy-up' feature where trainees can partner with another member for weekly calls and accountability.

What happens if I get stuck?

Occasionally, I see trainees who I think might be getting themselves in a tangle - this is nearly always because they rushed ahead or skipped a section. If this is the case, I usually contact them directly to set up a call and get them back on track.

It's my job to help my trainees succeed, and I take that job very seriously.

How long does it take to complete the course?

It’s hard to say with certainty because it depends on how much time you can dedicate. Some trainees are up and running within a few weeks, but most complete it over the course of a few months, alongside their full-time jobs. 

I would say the average time between starting the course and being up and running with clients is around three months. Slow and steady wins the race, though, so you can easily complete the course and set up your VA business with just a few hours per week.

How do I access the course once I've bought it?

The course is hosted on a private courses website. Once you click to buy, you'll immediately receive an email with your login details so you can instantly access the site and start working through the lessons.

Check your spam folder if you don't receive your login details within half an hour. The login email will go to the email address linked to your payment card. 

Is the DIY VA course for UK people only?

Not at all. There are people from all over the world in the group, and the course focuses on how to set up your business, how to find clients, and how to expand and develop as your business grows.

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes. Four payment plans are available. Just click one of the pink buttons and choose the plan that works for you.

I have a few more questions...

No problem. Just email me at support(at)thevahandbook(dot)com and ask away!

Because I've always been acutely aware that I came with an unknown expiry date, and that I would spend most of my life at work, I spent YEARS searching for a job that made me happy.

It got to the point where I started to feel afraid I'd never find it, but then at the grand old age of 38, after countless cr*ppy jobs, I did.

I became a Virtual Assistant and Mondays were never the same again.

I also discovered that working for yourself is infinitely better than slogging your guts out to make someone else rich, and this is why I'm absolutely fanatical about helping other people enjoy what they do for a living.

Every VA says their only regret is that they didn't start sooner, so if you really do want to be your own boss, then enrol in the course today. You get immediate access so you can start working through the content right away.

Happy Buyers

"A huggggggeee!! Thank you, the DIY course is amazing!! Not only does it teach you the skills required but also changes your mindset (in the most amazing way). It is just what I needed. I am nearly 70% through it and I have signed two clients, it’s bloody great! So if you are thinking about purchasing it, DO IT!" Laura Cooke

"It's an absolutely brilliant course, I'd recommend it to anyone starting out as a VA, plus the support group that goes along with it is hugely valuable!" Karen Birch

"I honestly would not be in this position with my business if it wasn't for the DIY Course - and to know I have lifetime access and that Jo updates the course content regularly is just such awesome value for money. Being part of the trainee-only group is like having a huge encyclopedia of VA knowledge at your fingertips with cheerleaders telling you, "You've got this" when you're having a wobble. I honestly feel this course has given me more in terms of specific business learning, mindset and work approach than any number of years I did at University! It's meant that I can do the work I love and make a living from it whilst also having a flexible lifestyle to be present for my young children. Thank you Jo for everything you do in the VA world, for your honest, gritty and down-to-earth approach. For saying it how it is so we can all get real and crack on with the job in hand!"  Becky Horsfall

"Ok, I have to say it, I don't care, sue me (I now have insurance lol). If you're procrastinating on whether to buy Jo's course because you're worried it won't give you everything you need for the price, stop it. Stop it right now. I'm over halfway through the course and already feel loads more confident about it all. I had all the wobbles you're probably having now, but everything is coming together and I have tools I didn't even know I needed! I'm hyped up and in a real 'bring it on' mood, and you could be too if you just take that leap!" Kate Thornton

"I've loved Joanne's mentorship through her DIY VA course. She provides a lot of free resources and encouragement, as well as a model to create a business with the confidence and support of a community of fellow VAs. I find her resources to be professional and concise without the chaos and loud sales pitches other models offer. Her course is affordable and easy to navigate, digest and complete. Joanne's commitment to helping Virtual Assistants thrive is evident in the quality of the program and community she's created. I highly recommend!" Beth McGee

"I so appreciate the course you have built. I really worried it would be created in a dumbed-down way. It is not. I feel myself growing and maturing as a person and a business owner with the lessons and interactions. I Love being in the Rock Stars, my business is exploding, I'm busier than I've ever been and making more money than I've ever made. It was the best money I've ever spent in my entire life. Thank you enormously." Alexandra Evans

"I wanted to say a huge thank you for your course. It has totally inspired me. After 20 years of teaching and coming out of the other end feeling totally drained, I feel like I’m getting my spark back. I have a long way to go but at least I’m on my way. I have loved your course and I think you might be my new superhero 😊." Shelley Randell

"All I can say is - DO THIS COURSE! It’s fantastic, full of all the information you need and great value for money. If you are serious about becoming a VA and setting up your own business, this will guide you through the process in a simple and fun way." Gemma Woolford

"I’m not even halfway through and am already about to sign my first client. The course helps organize your brain by allowing you to follow a format that alleviates the stress of feeling like you’re going it alone without any guidance. It’s awesome!"

"This course has been a shining light. Completely logical and comprehensive, it gave me the practical tools to set up and, more importantly, find clients. This course will save you valuable time and increase your confidence tenfold." Laura Coyle

"When I bought Jo’s DIY course I have to admit it was a “close my eyes and click” moment. I was pretty sure I wanted to be a VA but I wasn't convinced… until I signed up. Within half an hour of receiving my login details and welcome email, I knew I'd made the right decision. The way Jo writes makes you feel like she's there in the room with you, talking you through every stage (and giving you a talking to when you start to doubt!). She immediately instils confidence."

"I've completed Jo's VA course and would highly recommend it.  It's like Jo is holding your hand through the whole process of setting yourself up to be an amazing Virtual Assistant - just give it a go. When you buy the course you have access to it for life and Jo is always there to help." Janet Zoller 

"33.33% through the DIY course - so much great stuff covered and actioned already I can't believe it! I feel so much more focused with a clear direction forward 🙂. Now I'm stopping to make sure I've done everything properly before going on - in the right order of course." Becky Follett 😉

"Signed 2 new clients and have a call with another one next week. Now I have far too much work so have calls with potential associates all lined up and booked for next week too. Got loads of the DIY VA course completed - the marketing email templates 💯 work 😁. And I even managed a cheeky day off on Wednesday!" Susan Jane Randles

"This time last year, I was just about managing on an (average) PA/Administrator salary. I was doing all the things I enjoyed, but I was still restricted. This month, albeit I have clocked more hours, post-tax I have taken double my old salary. I cannot believe that I am only 6 months into my journey. Since the start of the year, I have been on 2/4 planned holidays/remote working trips this year and I have taken on an associate. I absolutely love what I do, thanks to the support of Jo and my Rock Star buddies and this is only just the beginning. I think no matter what your current work situation. If you can make time for the course, implement the actions and give 100%, you are guaranteed a return on investment." Tom Lingard

"If you are on the fence about taking this course, jump off and DO IT. The amount of education, support and resources it offers is staggering. I was scared about spending the money (any money!) at the time, but am ever so grateful I did." Karen Fouts

"I followed Jo’s course to the T – I knew this was my time to shine and I wasn’t about to waste my money. Within days of completing the DIY course and publishing my LinkedIn profile, I had my first client. To say I was shocked is an understatement. I already had a return on the money that I’d spent and it had only taken 6 weeks! The course is invaluable. Now that I have completed it and I have my business up and running with more clients than I financially need, I would advise anyone to invest in the course. You'll get a very quick return on your investment.Sophie Khaksari

​"When I was contemplating the idea of becoming a VA I was given Jo’s details and told to look at her website, and I am so grateful to that person. ​J​o has amazing and free guidance on her site, however, I decided that her DIY course was the one for me and that I needed to be told what to do. I love that Jo is so direct and has a strict no BS policy, she says it as it is but you know it comes from the heart.​ ​There is so much continuous support and guidance given, which is not only just by Jo but our little VA community too​." Alison Newcombe

"She will kill me for saying this but I owe my new-found confidence and my wonderful new business to Jo and her DIY VA course. I ABSOLUTELY wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t for her. She’s a businesswoman, a mentor, a coach and a teacher and I am so glad I found her site. If you’re in doubt, lacking in confidence or just going off track and need a supportive push in the right direction then take the course, you won’t be disappointed!"

"The DIY VA course is an incredible tool for anyone looking to start their VA business. The resources and training provided are extremely thorough and Jo covers every topic you could ever imagine. Following completion of the course, Jo even took the time to offer me some invaluable tips to help me improve my website. I could not be more grateful. Jo is an incredible trainer for aspiring VAs and I would highly recommend her courses and training." Morena Marchetti

"Although I was certainly a late starter VA, it took off brilliantly and I have luckily got enough work. Feels so great one year on, so anyone at the startup stage or contemplating, definitely yes you can do it! It's thanks to everyone's support in the Rock Stars group and for Jo's brilliant DIY course." Caroline Tooley

"I remember buying the course during a special offer and I honestly wouldn't be where I am now without it! I was in full-time employment at the time so I worked through it during the evenings and weekends. I secured my first client before finishing the course and left my job within 4 weeks. Two years later, we are still working together. I often dip back into the course when I need a reminder or a template etc. It's been two years now and I've learned so much. It's hard work and it is challenging but it is the best decision I ever made. I have no regrets. It was worth every penny!" Debbie Gauntlett

"Thank you so much for putting together this amazing course. I’ve found the information it contains invaluable, not to mention the Facebook group, the book club and your constant communication. It really feels like value for money and don’t know what I would’ve done without it." Jo London

"I’ve got my head down working through the DIY course, and I am loving it. Even though I read lots prior, the way the course is structured makes much more sense now! I have gained so much more confidence this week by doing the course and it has reaffirmed that I have made the right decision in going self-employed with my valuable experience. I had the basics regarding my services and potential clients but now I have so much more detail. Imposter syndrome has diminished this week!" Lea Clinton

The course is fantastic! I would have spent ages going around in circles if it wasn't for the structure of the course" 🙌🏻 Helen Tovey

"I bought the course just over a month ago and it has been worth every penny so far. There's no better incentive to stop procrastinating than knowing you've just invested your hard-earned cash in something. It feels great to be working on my own thing and taking those first few steps from employee to business owner." Michelle Wright

"Although I have been self-employed and working from home for several years, doing the DIY VA course really opened my eyes to things that I hadn't thought of doing/getting, that were essential in order to be a professional VA. If you're thinking of becoming a VA Joanne guides you (in fact she holds your hand) throughout the process and you get access to all the resources for life. Amazing lady." Janet Zoller​

"My confidence has grown significantly and imposter syndrome has reduced immensely. I don’t think I could have done this without the support of Jo, the VA Handbook and of course, the modules I have done in the DIY course. All the information and tools guided me through every step of setting up to launching. The VA handbook, this group and the Handbookers are my bible. All I can say is, I am loving being a VA! It is the best decision I have made in years." 😁 Lea Clinton

"I really love the live Q&A sessions as Jo is full of great advice but also to feel part of a community of like-minded people with the same goal. Knowing you have that support network when struggling with something is so important. I feel the fog has been lifted after a chat with Jo. I am re-focused, re-energised and had the 'light bulb' moment now knowing who my ideal client is. Thank you 🙏. Even though I have finished the course, it's a constant resource to revisit, which is invaluable."

"I can certainly recommend Jo's DIY course. I finished it in around a month and have had loads of work as a result. The information is structured, relevant and bang up to date. You won't be disappointed. I didn't know where to start in the beginning as there's so much information out there but once I started the DIY course I was completely focused on what I needed to do. You also have access to a private Facebook group where we trainees hang out and share our knowledge and best practice. It's absolutely worth the money."

"It is the best VA course out there. Everything in it is beneficial, and Jo and the Rock Stars support is second to none." Ann Hunt

"Totally worth the money! There is so much info out there and it becomes overwhelming. With Jo's course, you'll be a VA before you know it but with all the best advice and support. I couldn't have done it without her - or if I'd done it on my own I would still be trying to set up. (I started 5 months ago and have loads of clients). Go for it, you won't regret it!" Lianne Kenny

"If you're keen to stop wasting time and have Jo give you a step-by-step process on how to set up your VA business (with MORE support and LESS overwhelm), and you know you'll benefit from surrounding yourself with like-minded business owners, I highly recommend you invest in this course and become a Rock Star. The Rock Stars consists of new, aspiring AND established VAs around the world, and the community is both inspiring and supportive. I hope to see you there. Your future self will thank you for it!"

"I do love being a VA, I spent so long thinking about it and half-heartedly for years before really going for it. If your heart is in it and you put in the effort you can make it work. Thank you to Jo for your amazing course and support. I love being my own boss and if the sun's out I can go out and enjoy it and then work in the evening when it's dull!" Jill Hartery

"I set up really quickly and in the right way with Jo's help. Otherwise, I think it would have taken me ages and lots of avoidable mistakes along the way. With the course, I felt ready and confident to take on clients. Six months after setting up and I have loads of work coming in!" Karen H

"There is no doubt I would still have become a VA without the support of Jo and her fantastic group of Rock Star VAs but I KNOW I would have made a lot more mistakes along the way and I would not have built up an amazing network of VAs to support me and my growing business." Michelle Dowsett 

"Jo recognises the fact that a lot of her VAs-in-training are detail-orientated over-thinkers, and because she totally ‘gets’ this, she helps you cut through the crap and concentrate on the task at hand, one step at a time (IN ORDER! 😉). I’m not even through the second lesson and my head is so much clearer and focused already. I also find myself looking forward to my ‘development’ time, it helps continue the sense of purpose I had when I had that light bulb moment. I can’t recommend it enough." Claire Chatterton 

"Joanne's DIY VA course was amazing and so incredibly helpful to get my business started. It made it so easy to check off all the things I needed to do to hit the ground running." Kylie Preston

"For others wanting to do the DIY course (and I say this truly from the heart) if you're overthinking it, worried or even scared to take the plunge... just do it.. you'll never know if you never try. You will be on an absolutely wonderful ride and there is endless personal support in the VA Rock Stars group. Even now I still get value from the DIY course." Rebecca McLachlan

"In all honesty, buying the VA course was the best thing I ever did." Jasmin Cooper 

"This course really does set out everything you need to do clearly. Before doing it I had a jumble of ideas and was getting nothing done. But whilst the course is amazing, I found the most valuable thing was the membership of Jo's Rock Stars group where you really do get every little query answered. If you think the Handbookers group is good, come and join the Rock Stars. You won't regret it."

"I bought Jo's DIY VA course and it's been great. It's taken me from the possibility of making a bit of money doing a bit of admin to a business owner, confident in my skills and ability to help others. It's easy to understand and Jo supports and helps you throughout. Getting this course was the pivot point for me." Francine Mason

"I did a lot of Googling, came up with this thing called virtual assistance and discovered the VA Handbook. I immediately bought the course and now in my 50s, I've got a second career. So I would say to anyone who's fed up with corporate work, do it, you can. I needed to get to a really low place in order to quit and start my VA business but I found the light at the end of the tunnel to be Jo's VA DIY course. I can't recommend it enough - it enabled me to focus and re-energise." Judi Evans

"The biggest thing for me is that not only do you get the training (which includes how to get clients) and a hell of a lot of support from the group, you also get a lot of mindset stuff that helps massively with things like pricing. I've even picked up work directly from the group too, as people sometimes share work if they've got too much on or it's not their skill set. I'd only invest in the course if you're 100% serious about setting up a business. But if you are, and it sounds like you'd make a great VA, then I'd recommend it. It was the making of me."

"Jo really knows her stuff and teaches us in a way that is straightforward, honest and practical." Sarah Ibrahim

"FAN MAIL! I've just completed section two and am bloody loving your DIY VA Course. It's like a great TV series you don't want to end!"

"I’m pleased to announce that I’ve finished Jo’s DIY course. It gives you an excellent framework to work against while encouraging you to set up your business to reflect YOU. It’s so satisfying to know that everything from my branding to my website has been carefully thought out in line with everything I want to achieve in my business. For anyone thinking about buying the course, I’d say DO IT!! Excellent value for money and I don’t know what I would have done without it."  Lynne Lumsden
"WOW!! Joanne's DIY VA Course is off the hook! I'd been dithering for a year and bought this course and it's the kick I needed. It really covers absolutely everything, has improved my productivity and my confidence. I always knew I could be a VA with my experience and knowledge, but running my own company and motivating myself with a couple of children was my big concern, but Joanne's can-do, no BS attitude is inspiring and contagious! I'm well on my way to totally owning this. Thanks Jo." Tracey Appiah

"Just do it. Don’t pontificate thinking about it. You will learn so much, a clear roadmap about setting up your business, a supportive group, coaching, being able to stay up to date and much more. I only wish I had done this earlier. If you are serious and want your business to work I would definitely recommend this course." Sandra Moran

"It's totally worth it. I started on the free stuff but there is so much I felt like I was drowning in info. Buying the course was following a path and all the extras are worth it, especially the live sessions, 1-2-1 chats, the invaluable encouragement and support from the other Rock Stars, the discounts for the other courses, legal docs etc. Be like Nike!" Tracy Alexander

"I am coming up to my first business birthday and I couldn’t have done it without doing this course... it set me on the right path. I love the VA life." Suzanne Whiteside

"Joanne is an amazing VA trainer...I should know, I trained with her before switching to my coaching business. I will always be grateful for the business fundamentals that she taught me." Suzie Flynn

"I have wanted to start my own business for a couple of years now. As a single mom to two kids, I hate being away from them all day! I started the VA course last night and just WOW!! I have no words. Best course I have ever seen. I love how it starts with adjusting your focus to becoming a business owner! Thank you for letting me be part of such an amazing group!" Sarah Pulliam

"Woo Hoo!!! Just 4 weeks after finishing the DIY course and I have got my first client. Only a small task to start with but he is thinking long term and full support as we get to know each other ... so excited! Thank you so much Jo, as we all know, your course rocks!!Rosemary Wooding

"This is an extremely well thought out and informative course for anyone who is considering becoming a Virtual Assistant. There is so much information, advice and templates that I can't see how anyone could set up without it, to be honest. You're not left alone either and I know that if I have a question I can ask Jo at any time in the trainee Facebook group. This is my VA bible!"

"The course will certainly help you drill down into all the important stuff such as your ideal clients and niche etc. I took the course and still use it to refresh and improve on things. I've gone from strength to strength since taking the course, I am now much clearer and more focused than I have ever been and my business has thrived because of it." Victoria Lofthouse

"It’s a step-by-step approach to going from unemployed Mummy to business owner with clients. I don’t see myself being an employee ever again. I feel very fortunate and very happy. You don’t get a certificate at the end of it or a graduation ceremony, but you do get your own business and the chance to live your life on your own terms." Fay B

"Buy it, you won't regret it. I bought it and I can't tell you how valuable it is. I constantly refer back to it. If it wasn't for Joanne Munro I don't think I would have launched." Caroline Tooley 

This course is fabulous! When I decided to become a VA I didn't know where to start but this helped me focus on my strengths, look at the services I can offer and how to approach potential clients. Jo genuinely wants people to succeed." Raakhee Stratton 

"I signed up for the course and I haven't looked back, it's the best thing I ever did. I've got two kids and I love the flexibility to be able to do what I want, when I want. It's changed my life. So if you're thinking about becoming a VA, don't overthink it, just do it." Sam Wilkinson

"It's a no-brainer. The support is second to none and I never would have had the courage without the course. Since completing the course, I have not looked back. The flexibility that comes from working for yourself is great and for the first time, I have been able to spend a lot of time with my daughter during the school holidays. My daughter made a comment to me the other day and I quote: “You seem so much happier now Mummy”. And I think that says it all!" Emma Conway-Hyde

"Finishing the course was a huge sense of achievement, it has been invaluable - having gone through each section at a good pace and in order, has given me the best start for my business, I feel focused with a sense of self-belief and ready to hit the ground running - as well as some nervous excitement!" Sophie Alexander

"Without this amazing course and the support of Jo, the Rock Stars group and my new VA friends I would NEVER have summoned the courage and strength to build my own business. There have been ups and downs, and I have made mistakes, but I can honestly say that I will never go back to being an employee. If you are thinking about doing this, stop thinking and just do it. Make it work for you. If I can do it, anyone can." Deborah Hoult

"You so need to sign up for Jo's DIY course. It's EXCELLENT! I've learned so much, have my first client and haven't even finished the course yet. Jo is so friendly and helps you every step of the way. She's covered all the bases and then some for starting a VA business (and making sure it thrives). So stop what you're doing and buy the course now!" Naomi Neita

"I took my leap of faith about two weeks ago and now I'm motoring!! You can go at your own pace and I have to say the course has given me oodles of confidence too. I love the style, the content is all very relevant and it really does prepare you to launch your business. What are you waiting for... go for it!" Emma Levings

"This course and this path in my life have been one of the smartest things I've ever done. Jo and the Rock Stars Facebook group have been my constant guides. I've now been doing this full-time, exclusive of any other employment for about a year and a half. I support myself and my three kids. It is a lot of work, it is NOT a 'get rich quick' scheme, but it is absolutely real."

"The course was an excellent investment in my future and I had recouped the cost within my first week of working. I love being a VA, it’s interesting, varied, and I love running my own business. I am definitely happier which automatically makes everyone around me happier." Laura C

"I couldn’t wait to get going and I did the course during nap times and in the evenings and ticked off everything on the checklist just one month after starting it. For me, it was life-changing. I’m happier, I’ve made new VA friends and I feel like I’m ‘Sadie’ again rather than just Mummy. I can’t ever imagine going back to being an employee. It’s also a bloody bargain for all of the guidance and support you receive – I’d never have been a VA without doing this course.Sadie Finch

Money Back Guarantee

The only way you can decide if this course is for you is by being on the inside, not the outside. So if you sign up and decide it’s not for you, as long as you let me know within 14 days and you have completed less than 20% of the course, just ping me an email and I'll give you a full refund. 

Because if you're not happy, I'm not happy.