Posting on social media but not getting clients?

Every day I see VAs asking the same question, "What do I post on social media?"

They think flooding every platform with generic "hire a VA" posts will magically make clients appear.

But that isn't how it works.

Social media can be a goldmine for attracting clients - but only if you adopt a strategic approach.

Most VAs fall into the "post and pray" trap of churning out uninspiring, untargeted content aimed at nobody in particular.

So, if you're ready to ditch the aimless posting and attract high-quality leads, let's go about turning your social media account into a lean, mean, client-generating machine.

In my Virtual Assistant Social Media Marketing Course, you'll learn:

1. The secret to identifying the perfect social media platforms for your ideal client - because not all platforms are created equal.

2. How to craft compelling content that showcases your expertise and positions you as the go-to VA. Ditch the "hire me" posts and focus on your target client instead.

3. Strategies for attracting high-quality leads who are ready to invest in your services.

4. How to create a clear social media strategy and content plan that attracts clients on autopilot, freeing you up to focus on what you do best: serving your clients.

Because if you're not getting clients from social media, something has to change.

Course Outline

Delivered via a mix of videos and written content, the course covers:


To kick off the course, I explain why you need a well-thought-out social media strategy and give you example strategies for three different types of VA so you can see what it looks like in 'real life'.

I then show you how to create a social media strategy that is aligned with your services and target clients - and how to use AI to evaluate and perfect it. (I know, right? Clever!)

I finish the section by sharing the pros and cons of using social media to market your VA business and provide best practices for using social media effectively.

Choosing The Right Platform

VAs just want to know what to post, but as social media is one of the most time-consuming and labour-intensive ways of attracting clients before you post anything, you need a clear understanding of your target audience and which platform to focus on.

To help you do this, I provide the pros, cons and demographics of each social media platform so you can decide which one (because you can't be on all of them, doll) is the best match for your services and the type of clients you're looking for.

Creating Stand-Out Social Media Content

VAs often fall into the "posting for the sake of posting" trap. They waste time churning out generic content aimed at nobody in particular.

No more.

To free you from this trap, I'll guide you through the ins and outs of content creation, from crafting compelling posts and using the right hashtags to designing scroll-stopping images that speak directly to your target audience.

And I don't just tell you how to do this... I show you.

It's hard to come up with engaging content that provides solutions, not sales pitches, but as AI never gets tired (it's just you, fresh on a good day!), I'll also show you how to use it to create unique, eye-catching posts aimed directly at your target audience.

Stats, Content Plans And Posting Schedules

When it comes to social media metrics, it's easy to wind up floating around in a sea of data like an empty crisp packet.

Nobody wants that so I show you exactly how to analyse your stats to see how your posts are doing and how you can troubleshoot and fix any underperforming content.

Social media shouldn't feel like a chore, so I also provide a pick-and-mix marketing checklist with daily, weekly, monthly, and annual tasks tailored to your strategy and chosen platforms.

Then I guide you through creating a well-structured content plan and calendar, to ensure a consistent posting schedule - because you need those too!

This section of the course will ensure you understand the numbers and have the tools and knowledge to streamline your marketing and make the most of your limited time and resources.

£99 - See Payment Plans

This course is a roadmap

I've been marketing my VA business since 2009, the VA Handbook since 2014, and my niche is working with social media consultants and digital marketers.

I've learned a thing or two over the years, and in this course, I share what I've learned with you.

Because there is a lot more to marketing your business on social media than posting random updates on any old platform.

Building a strong social media presence for your business requires a strategic approach.

It's fun creating dazzling, eye-catching social media content and images, but the best content in the world won't get you far unless you know who you're looking for and you have a plan to cut through the noise.

I see VAs really struggle with social media, so I wrote this course to act as a roadmap and give you everything you need to nail your social media marketing and bag new clients.

Happy Buyers

"It doesn't matter how long you've been a VA; you don't always have all the answers. So when my business began slowing down, I knew I needed to act, but I didn't know what steps to take.
Cue Jo.

Looking at my social media (LinkedIn, in my case), it was clear that I had no specific goal, and I wasn't shouting at my audience about what I did. I also wasn't consistent. I didn't know what to post, and I didn't even like any of the content from my connections (who were ALL wrong for me), which made it difficult for me to engage with them and start conversations! I was truly and totally lost.

With Jo's guidance, I jumped in, cleaned out my connections, began connecting with my ideal clients and, using AI technology, crafted brand new social media posts and images while trashing all my old stuff (it wasn't working anyway).

Today, I have connections messaging me and telling me they love my posts and that I'm killing it - I've never had that before and it's amazing to have your efforts recognized! My new posts also showcase my skills to potential clients - which, if you manage anyone's social media, is the entire point.

It's not easy to admit your social media sucks, but giving it a makeover isn't only possible; it's a smart business move and one that will bring in new clients if you're doing it right.
I HIGHLY recommend buying Jo's Social Media Marketing course - you won't regret it!"

— Denise R

"I'd been on some training, specifically around marketing, which was great and gave me real insight, but I was struggling to understand the practicalities of putting everything together.

Throughout this course, I've had several lightbulb moments about how to focus. I now have a far better idea of who to target and the tools to do so.

I am applying the steps I've gone through to date (still have a few to go), but it feels like you've got someone holding your hand - which is brilliant! It's really helping to streamline all my random thoughts and put them into a plan. Definitely worth the investment.👌"

— Rachel E

"I have finally completed the new social media course - and my goodness how comprehensive was that! I picked up lots and lots of tips, but I think the best one (ever) was the reference to Smarterqueue!!

Following on from absorbing as much as I could from the course, I then spent an afternoon playing in Canva and on Microsoft Image Creator (which I love) and then just basically loading it all up and saying, go - I now have a whole months' worth of posts which of course, I have made "evergreen". I am currently learning the basics of tweaking the titles so they look fresh.

Also, the daily emails from Smarterque on how to get things done and where to find everything have made it so easy! and with your lessons ringing in my mind, I am looking forward to lots more engagement and am asking myself, "What was I so afraid of" and "why have I put this off for so long?"

THANK YOU for taking the time to put this course together."

— Sharon M

"I recently completed the social media marketing course, which I found to be exceptionally clear and straightforward to work through. I ended up completing it all in one afternoon because once I started, I didn't want to stop!

I don't use social media that much, and it's not a service I offer to clients, but I was pleasantly surprised by how practical and enlightening the content was.

The course breaks down the steps involved in crafting effective social media strategies and covers aspects I hadn't even considered but now see as vital to successful posting.

It has sparked numerous ideas for how I can bring in new clients and build connections with people in the industry I am passionate about. Thank you, Jo, for such an insightful learning experience!"

— Amy M

"The Social Media Marketing course has helped set me on the right path, setting up my new venture as a VA.

It's very clear and insightful and gives a lot of useful tips and training on how to ensure you get it right from the get-go and also how to realign your marketing plan if you find yourself needing some direction.

I also love the way Jo talks; she always says what you need to hear and provides lessons from her own experience, which is invaluable."

— Toni S

"The Social Media Marketing course has given me inspiration and insight into the world of marketing in a clear and understandable way.

As a new virtual assistant just starting out and entering the market, finding the right information among the vast amount of internet data isn't always easy. This course provided me with the valuable information I needed to get moving in the right direction.

It guided me to the best sources of knowledge and gave me ideas and motivation on how to present my business in the media, where to begin, and which path to follow."

— Ksenija L

Money Back Guarantee

The only way you can decide if this course is for you is by being on the inside, not the outside. So if you sign up and decide it’s not for you, as long as you let me know within 14 days and you have completed less than 20% of the course, just ping me an email and I'll give you a full refund. 

Because if you're not happy, I'm not happy.

Be the VA at the front of the pack.

Voted For By You

Big thanks to everyone who voted for me. You're actually the real winners because you wouldn't have voted for me if you didn't feel my DIY VA course was worth every penny.

It is my absolute honour to help you go from admin whizz to kickass Virtual Assistant. 💃

£99 - See Payment Plans